AARPG Other Stuff
Here at the AARPG Podcast, we are more than just amazing stories, memorable characters, and total and complete unproffessionalism, we have all kinds of other really cool stuff for you to enjoy.

Join us as the Advanced Age Roleplaying Gamers Podcast sits down with industry content creators to discuss their latest creations.
Join us for our first installment as we sit down with Mitchell Wallace, co-founder and COO of Penny for a Tale, to talk about their Kickstarter for Necrobiotic, an Italian roleplaying game set in a grim future where humans and the dead must share a dystopian world.
Like what you hear? Want to learn more about Necrobiotic? Then head on over to the official page at - where you can even download a 23-page PDF with an introduction to the rules, mechanics, and world setting.
Nathan, Tyr and Chris of the AARPGs spend some quality time talking to Tony, Dave and Kurt from 23rd Century Productions about the Kickstarter/7th Edition of Battlelords of the 23rd Century.
We share some of the history of the game as well as our own personal experiences playing Battlelords and our collective history of growing up with TTRPGs.
We spend some time talking about the types of stories that can be told with Battlelords, what sets it apart and why people are still excited to be playing Battlelords.
We also talk about the upcoming Kickstarter for Fully Armored and how they are working on a Savage Worlds version of the ruleset.
Hello and welcome to our next installment of Between Two GMs where your Co-Hosts Nathan and Matt sit down and talk to creators within the Table Top Roleplaying Game community.
In this episode, Matt & Nathan interview Mitchell of Penny for a Tale about the Kickstarter for their TTRPG, CHEW: The Roleplaying Game, a game based on the Award-Winning Image comic series.
We shoot the shit about returning to cons, about the CHEW game itself, how it came about, their take on the Forged in the Dark system and their progress on their successful Necrobiotic Kickstarter.
Penny For a Tale:
Twitter: @penny_tale
Mitchell on Twitter: @mitchsbustillos
The AARPGs bring back Tony, Dave and Kurt from 23rd Century Productions to talk about updates to their successful Kickstarter for Fully Armored and the upcoming Savage Worlds port of Battlelords of the 23rd Century. It was a lot of fun to have them back and talk about their projects, as well as, a little bit about our experiences playing in the dark and humorous Battlelords setting for an upcoming Actual Play season.
Battlelords of the 23rd Century on the webs:
Discord (best place to volunteer for Playtesting the Savage Worlds ruleset)
The Twitters
The Gram:
The YouTubes:
Interior Art Preview!
Free Quickstart for the Kickstarter/7th edition:
Matt & Nathan interview Pelle Nilsson (Ockult Örtmästare Games) & Johan Nohr (Stockholm Kartell) about MORK BORG, the new HERETIC zine, the CY_BORG kickstarter, the MORK BORG Cult and more!
We get into how the products came about, what to expect with them, creative influences, and more!
It's a very fun interview and we hope you enjoy it half as much as we did.
You can also watch our interview at our YOUTUBE site:
In our latest installment of Between Two GMs, Nathan and Matt sit down to talk with author, digital artist, producer and director, Andrew E.C. Gaska about how the Aliens games came about, how to keep your favorite cannon straight, and how a very special four-legged friend found a way to steal the spotlight in Aliens - Heart of Darkness.
If you want to get your hands on more Alien stuff, then check out Titan Books - Colony War at
Or head over right to the source for your Alien game books:
and if Aliens are not enough for you, who doesn't love time traveling robots - check out The Terminator RPG: Quick Start PDF is a 44-page introduction to The Terminator RPG
but wait, there is more, check out Carbon Grey RPG
The Advanced Age Roleplaying Gamers Podcast is a bunch of "older" friends that get together on Tuesday nights and play TTRPGs. We decided to turn it into an actual-play podcast and have been having a blast ever since.
In our latest installment of Between Two GMs, Nathan and Matt sit down to talk with Christian Plogfors & Carl Niblaeus, creators of the SCI-FI OSR Tabletop Roleplaying Game, DEATH IN SPACE.
In a universe that is collapsing on itself, where nothing is new, and your best friend is an oxygen tank and a roll of duct tape, Death in Space is a gritty sci-fi survival roleplaying game set in a dark future. Players try to survive in their home base, whether that is traveling the stars, looking for their next score or repair part in a ship or trying to make a home for themselves on a space station, Death in Space is an easy to get started, easy to play, and beautifully presented game.
Matt & Nathan speak with the lead Game Designer for the Bladerunner RPG, Tomas Härenstam about the Kickstarter, the game mechanics and design decisions and also delve into the origins of Free League Publishing and the Year Zero Engine.
In our latest installment of Between Two GMs, Nathan and Matt sit down to talk with the folks from the Tabletop Journeys about their Kickstarter for "A Multiverse of Subclasses (Twelve Legendary Subclasses for Your Next 5e Campaign)".
We also spend some time talking about their podcast and growing up gaming with your friends and turning that friendship and love of RPGs into a joint collaborative creative effort.
Website & Podcast Links:
DM's Guild:
#dnd #spelljammer #kickstarter #5e #homebrew #podcast #TTRPG #actualplay #comedy
In this episode, your co-hosts Nathan and Matt sit down with the cast (almost all of the cast) of the Ennie-nominated Shadowrun 2nd Edition actual-play podcast - Pink Fohawk. We are big fans of this podcast and it was great, after weeks of foreplay on twitter, to be able to sit down and talk "in-person". We cannot suggest strongly enough that you go out and check them out.
Less of an interview and more of a dialogue (drifting into monologue sometimes...BEN) between the two podcasts that appreciate the feeling of gaming of your closest friends.
Website & Podcast Links:
Matt & Nathan interview CHRISTIAN SAHLÉN & JOHAN NOHR from Stockholm Kartell about their new TTRPG, CY_BORG, a cyberpunk-ish spin on the award-winning MÖRK BORG. Matt and I were really happy to have Johan back and it was great to meet and talk to Christian about this really cool take on the Cyberpunk genre.
Please be aware that my editing deck is suffering from a nanite infestation, so there may be some glitches. It's probably not contagious.
Spotify Playlist mentioned in the interview:
In our latest installment of Between Two GMs, Nathan flies SOLO for the first time to chat with Brian Colin, VP of Infinite Black and creator of the MÖRK BORG-compatible SCI-FI TTRPG, VAST GRIMM!
It was a lot of fun and great hearing how Brain was able to merge his passion for TTRPGs and hi talent for sculpting, graphic art and design. Examples of of the art from VAST GRIMM and Brian's sculptures are interspersed throughout the video.
If you like what we do, please comment and subscribe to our channel here and rate & follow us on your favorite podcasting service. It really helps people find us.
Links we talk about in the interview can be found below:
Sign up for the new Kickstarter, launching later in January!
Vast Grimm Website:
Infinite Black Website:
Brian's Art, Pins, Plushies, games
Vast Grimm Discord:
Vast Grimm Character Generator:
Your co-hosts sit down with Opti from Fraggin Unicorns to talk Shadowrun, A.I. implications, gaming culture, and oh yeah, Subversion, their new cyberpunk TTRPG Kickstarter. Want to check out a dystopian world where you get to actually play the good guys? Subversion is a very different take on the cyberpunk setting.
Playing With Myself
In Playing With Myself your co-host Matt digs into the game mechanics of the TTRPG systems that we play and talks rules, homebrew ideas, and how to best incorporate them into your game.
The Live Stuff
We record most of our games and interviews and then unleash Nathan upon them to clean them up, add sound effects, music and whatever the heck else he wants to do to them, but sometimes.... we like to let it all hang out in public and do some live stuff. Most of these are not available in our podcast so check them out here or saunter on over to our YouTube site to catch these additional, uncut stories.