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Welcome to the Advanced Age Roleplaying Gamers Podcast!

Hello and welcome to the Advanced Age Roleplaying Gamers Podcast. We are a group of friends who have been playing roleplaying games off and on together and with other friends for nearly 40 years. We love all things geek - roleplaying, video games, cheesy sci-fi and fantasy movies, and all kinds of tech toys.


The pandemic has changed all of our lives but one small silver lining has been that we have been forced to get out of our comfort zone of pen and paper (and 3D printing) and join the world of Virtual Table Tops and online video calls. It was a bit of a learning curve; however, the benefit has been that it is much easier now for us to get together and game. Life, with all of its challenges - work, kids, school, bills and the fact that we no longer live that close to each other made it difficult to play in-person games consistently. Programs like Roll20, Discord, and OBS have enabled us to get together and share one of our favorite pastimes.


About the same time that the pandemic struck we had more time on our hands and we discovered real-play podcasts. It didn't take long for us to come to the conclusion that we could do it too. It has been a steep learning curve but we have really enjoyed learning new skills and technologies to help bring our stories to the rest of the world. So tune in and let us pull back the curtain and share our stories, insights, and love of all things geek. Welcome to Advanced Age Roleplaying Gamers Podcast.


The Cast


It all started when I was working on my uncle's farm one summer.  He took on a couple of migrant workers that year.  They seemed nice.  The short one didn't speak any english but the tall one assured me he was really good with irrigation systems.

Anyway, one day I got up and was getting ready to go down to Radio Shack for some AC adapters and my uncle comes in saying the little one didn't show up for work today and for me to check on him.  What a pain in the ass!  So I go talk to the tall one and he said that he ran off to meet some woman he met on the internet and he hasn't heard back from him.  I remember seeing him watch this video of a girl on his phone over and over.  She looked really cute but I'm pretty sure it was a catfish and he's probably been abducted by some weird old guy living in an abandoned trailer park.


Anyway, Hi, I'm Nathan and I make stuff up.


[Podology - Aliens -Destroyer of Worlds [GM], Twilight 2000 4e - It's Always Cloudy in Kalisz [GM], Sex, Drugs, and Saving Throws, Battle Lords of the 23rd Century - Mistakes Were Made. Death in Space, Mothership [GM], Alien - Arcturian Apocalypse., Dragonbane - Mirth, Magic, and Mayhem [GM], Coriolis the Great Dark - The Sky Machine

Matt [Sgtsplat]

Hi, my name is Matthew McMullin and I have been playing roleplaying games of one type or another for about 40 years (around 1980, give or take a year) and hope to keep gaming for decades to come. I love fantasy settings like Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder but my real love is all things Science Fiction. Traveler, Star Frontiers, Gamma World, Twilight 2000, Cyberpunk, Top Secret, and Aftermath were some of my favorite early games. Later I got really into Palladium's Rifts and Nightspawn (later renamed Nightbane), Champions, Robotech, Shadowrun, and of course, because it was cool to be grunge-goth in the 90's, Vampire the Masquerade.


I also love video games and since around 1995, when the nick name was bestowed upon me, I have played using the gamer tag Sgtsplat (or sometimes when that is taken for some infuriating reason, IamSgtsplat). Some of my favorite video games of all time would have to be Mass Effect, Last of Us, Dragon Age Inquisition, Knights of the Old Republic and when I need my zombie survival fix, 7 Days to Die.


When I am not reading about the difference between neoliberalism versus constructivist political theory I am trying to consume yet another book in the Warhammer 40K Horus Heresy series (will it every end). 


[Podology - Aliens -Destroyer of Worlds, Twilight 2000 4e - It's Always Cloudy in Kalisz, Sex, Drugs, and Saving Throws [GM], Battle Lords of the 23rd Century - Mistakes Were Made, Death in Space [GM],  Alien - Arcturian Apocalypse, Dragonbane - Mirth, Magic, and Mayhem, Coriolis the Great Dark [GM]


Tyr is a mature geek (with nerd tenancies) who is a game enthusiast (Board, RPGs, PC, etc.). 


Tyr has had a bad case of wanderlust for the last 15 years or so moving all over the world flitting from job to job and chasing adventure, history, and the occasional spot of pure joy. 

Tyr is an environmentalist and has spent over 20 years of his life fighting the good fight trying to clean up the world and prevent this little blue ball from turning into a plastic-covered Hellscape. (P.S. Don’t use microfibers – trust me)


A local library card started a lifelong passion for reading in the realms SciFi and Fantasy. A chance encounter with a collection of Robert Heinlein books, he branched out to Tolkien, R.A. Salvatore, Weiss and Hickman, and on and on and on with a love that continues to this day.

He played his first roleplaying game on or about 1987 (who can remember these days) using the DnD Red Boxed Set (with the crayons to color in the dice). After that first game playing in his friend's kitchen, he was hooked and soon bought his own books to follow the further adventures of the characters he created in his head. 


[Podology - Aliens -Destroyer of Worlds, Twilight 2000 4e - It's Always Cloudy in Kalisz, Sex, Drugs, and Saving Throws, Battle Lords of the 23rd Century - Mistakes Were Made, Mothership , Alien - Arcturian Apocalypse [GM]., Dragonbane - Mirth, Magic, and Mayhem, Coriolis The Great Dark - The Sky Machine.

Sean [Lord Ireland]

Greetings, Salutations, and Hello…


I am Sean P. Mahoney, given the moniker of Lord Ireland by my friends.  Not because I am a Lord or THE Lord of Ireland, I just love all that is Irish.  I received my beginners Dungeons and Dragons set back when I was about 7.  This was during the summer of 1976.  I survived the assault by super Christians upon role play gaming in the 80s (see Tom Hanks movie “Mazes and Monsters” for the narrative pushed….early in his career forgive him he probably needed the money).  In High School more D&D, then in my local community college, I joined the “Gamers Club”.  There I  played everything from horror games to sci-fi and always of course D&D which was evolving.  There I met two of these brilliant morons on this podcast.  


I am many things: father, husband, marine, friend, enemy (to some), hero (to others), a sneaky devil, ultimate ally, dangerous adversary, upholder of law, great lover, greater drinker, and it goes on.  Well educated am I (in my Yoda voice) but this means nothing without experience to back it (which I have).   I have seen the very worst and absolute best in people during my lifetime.  Generally, we all want a better world but sometimes we also need a break.  This is my break.  Come along and take a break and watch me succeed in my quests….or more likely epically fail which is also quite enjoyable.


[Podology - Aliens -Destroyer of Worlds, Twilight 2000 4e - It's Always Cloudy in Kalisz, Sex, Drugs, and Saving Throws, Battle Lords of the 23rd Century - Mistakes Were Made, Mothership, Alien - Arcturian Apocalypse, Dragonbane - Mirth, Magic, and Mayhem, Coriolis The Great Dark - The Sky Machine, Leftovers - Co-Host.


Coming relatively late to the game(s), I only dabbled in a handful of BattleTech sessions in high school, and then didn’t return to tabletop gaming until 1996, a year or so after dropping out of college, when some co-workers roped me in on a HarnMaster first edition campaign they were involved in. Why start simple, when you can instead start with a system that can have your character die off from the common cold?

Now, 25 years later, while having a wife, two kids out of college, a house, and a career where people seem to think I’m competent and responsible, I figure this whole life thing is just a live action variant, without the die rolls.

Gaming introduced me to friends who accepted me for who I was and, most importantly, made me comfortable with myself, by first allowing me to express those aspects of my identity with which I was struggling through my characters as a means of testing the waters, as it were. That I still number them friends as close or closer than family for half my life, it’s an experience I wouldn’t trade for the world.


[Podology - Aliens -Destroyer of Worlds, Twilight 2000 4e - It's Always Cloudy in Kalisz, Sex, Drugs, and Saving Throws, Battle Lords of the 23rd Century - Mistakes Were Made [GM], Death in Space, Mothership, Alien - Arcturian Apocalypse., Dragonbane - Mirth, Magic, and Mayhem, Coriolis The Great Dark - The Sky Machine.


 Anthony Cupo is a New Jersey based Producer/Director that started his career art directing event shows like the MTV Movie Awards, two Super Bowl half time shows and the CMT Country Music Awards. As a writer/director, Anthony has been the driving force on a variety of projects for clients such as, Viacom, HBO, Remy Mártin USA Networks, and Warner Music Group. He also ran the production of the Emmy nominated Believe: The Eddie Izzard Story. Most recently, Anthony was the Executive Producer and Editor for the film Concussion which recently sold to RADiUS at the Sundance Film Festival.


Check out Rust Films to see some of Anthony's work:







[Podology - Aliens -Destroyer of Worlds, Twilight 2000 4e - It's Always Cloudy in Kalisz, Sex, Drugs, and Saving Throws, Battle Lords of the 23rd Century - Mistakes Were Made, Death in Space, Mothership, Alien - Arcturian Apocalypse., Dragonbane - Mirth, Magic, and Mayhem.



My passion for RPG’ing started as a ploy to keep me occupied and it worked, maybe too well. It

began in 1983 with the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set and a Dwarf named Damascus and

continues to this very day. I have played and game mastered a multitude of games, campaigns,

and characters in various systems. In the nearly forty years that I have been playing RPGs, I have met some truly amazing people that I have built fraternal connections with to last a lifetime.

Friends who have been there during the thrill of victory... and the agony of defeat... the human

drama that is my life.


Hello, I’m Malcolm, Father to a murderous child. Husband to a bearded man. And I will throw

shade, in this life or the next.


[Podology - Aliens -Destroyer of Worlds [EP01 and EP02], Sex, Drugs, and Saving Throws, Battle Lords of the 23rd Century - Mistakes Were Made, Mothership, Alien - Arcturian Apocalypse., Dragonbane - Mirth, Magic, and Mayhem [GM], Coriolis The Great Dark - The Sky Machine



Hi! I'm Tim! I have been a geek my whole life, but I never really focused on

roleplaying games until college. I played a little DnD back in the 80's, but not

consistently or seriously. When I started college, I played some Heroes Unlimited, Cyberpunk, Timelords,

and a few others. (See the trend? Almost all Sci-Fi.) Eventually, I focused on Steve Jackson Games and GURPS. I have been gaming with Nathan, Matt, Malcolm, Sean and a few others for going

on (holy shit!) 3 decades.


I'm a big believer in the power of a story, and I could not care less about game

mechanics and rules. Rules constrain, stories and characters expand and



[Podology - Aliens -Arcturian Apocalypse, Death in Space, Mothership, Magic, Mirth, and Mayhem

Friends of the Show

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Sara McMullin

Sara McMullin is an Illustrator-Designer who created The AARPG Podcast's original banner art. You can see more of her work at


Sara is also one of the hosts of the "Here's What Actually Happened!" Podcast, a mix of history and improv where one host asks about a real historical event and the other two have to make up what happened. At the end, the host asking the question reveals the true history and just how close or way off the other two were. You can listen on Spotify and many other podcast services.

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